Unable to access Week 2


I have completed week 1 ahead of schedule. But I am not able to access week 2. Will I only be given access exactly 1 week later?


Hi Manickam, how are you doing?

Youā€™ll receive a new module every 7 days. Your next module will open up for you in a few days :slight_smile:

Thereā€™s no way to jump ahead but if time does not allow you to complete a module you will be able to move at your own pace. The modules will all be continually available.

I understand your impatience about not being able to progress further right now, and am happy to know that you are motivated to go on! Our best students are fired up from the very beginning :slight_smile: However, there is a good reason for the system being in place as it is.

There are some additional training videos at the bottom of your members area if you complete your main training videos early (this section is still in the works and weā€™re updating it).


Hope you are enjoying the course so far!

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Hi IIya llya, (not sure if the first letters are i or L, sorry )
same question as before. only open every 7 days.
I am at home. I do not have time restrictions. will view the videos but had hoped I could move faster. No way around this?
will view the other videos


@IlyaG Same question. :smiley:

I am eager to get through ALL the modules as fast as possible. I finished the Welcome and Week 1 modules. Just curious why we have to wait 7days in between modules? I think for me that slows down the momentum that Iā€™ve been building. I REALLY want to get to the funnels in Week 2 so I can run solo ads and test.


Hi Guys. Unfortunately there is no way around this, John has intended to make the course this way, to give our students the best learning curve and education experience. This has proven to be the best way to go and we cannot prioritise certain students as itā€™s important to us to be fair to all. I know you guys are impatient and eager to learn, please go around our knowledge base and here on the forum, to learn more and get ready for the information to come :slight_smile:

Ok thanks @IlyaG! Appreciate your help here.

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@ColleenH since you have a bit of time of your hands, why not join in on one of our training calls. There is one today and another tomorrow


If those times donā€™t work for ya, you can watch some of the replays of past calls on the Weekly Calls section of your member dashboard! :wink:

@roh Yep, I put that in my calendar already. Good idea about watching the past Weekly Calls. :slight_smile:

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@IlyaG Just curious, is there a certain time period of the day that the next weekā€™s course will be available? Currently Iā€™m waiting for Week2 and itā€™s been a week since I signed up.

Btw I like your Youtube training. :slight_smile: