Twitter rejection

All hyped up by FINALLY creating my first Google ad by following the video and thought I might as well advertise it on Twitter, too. But Twitter won’t accept John’s tweet. Anyone else tried this yet? Got suggestions?

I used the SAS widget at the top of the members area to share on my twitter feed and it seems to have been successful.

Have you tried that?

No, didn’t even see it or realize that was possible. Thanks for the suggestion, but where did you find the widget?

Sabriga, Thank you for taking action that shows another working network.

What does the widget look like – a logo, or something?

Hi @sabriga,

You should see the widget at the top of your member’s area.

To activate the widget you will enter your Clickbank ID. Do not enter your Affiliate LINK.

If you see references to your ClickBank ID (as seen in the above screenshot), CBID, Affiliate ID, or Vendor ID, these terms refer to your account nickname.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

The login nickname you use should be entered into the field seen in the screenshot that says CLICKBANK ID. From there the widget automatically generates your affiliate link for you based on your clickbank id. Now you can simply click the social media platform you wish to post to and your link is auto created.