Trouble with clickfunnel / Hop link

I’m having trouble with getting the hop link to pop.

In CB I’ve set set up a tracking ID on my hop link to differentiate from older hop link.

I’ve checked on the link install in Click funnels to assure the setting stuck. All is good.

Went to the landing page source file to confirm the hop link is correct. All is good.

I’ve copy past the hop link from the source page directly into the browser and it will pop instantly and shows up in CB reporting graft.

The hop link doesn’t seem to fire when the landing page is launched. Not sure how to test that.

One thought I had that maybe you would clear up. Are these hits on the hop link cookies to limited me from hitting on it from the same IP? I did try it threw a private browser. Didn’t seem to make a difference.

It almost acts like the trigger word has a problem. Not sure.

Hope you can help.
PS: I see the JC doesn’t use Title ID in Clickbank. Is there a reason for that? Does Clickfunnel have trouble with Clickbank Title ID Tracking? Anyway just a thought.

Remember John DID say that the hoplink is kinda sticky when you apply it as you edit the function of the funnel button. I had to try it SIX times and saving it on the editor about 12 times. So, you might wanna check into that.

Hello Ayatogami
Thank you for your response.
I wish that was the solution. I did have a problem with getting the link to save, but finally it did.
I confirmed that the link was in the landing page by checking the page source file.
I copied the link from the source file and launched it in a browser and it fired a hop instantly.
I have ads running so until I can figure it out, I went back to the manual page method.
I’m hoping that some one with knowledge of Clickfunnels might have an ideal on something to try.
I have contacted Clickfunnels , but no reply as of yet.
Thanks Again

Damn. I really wished I was more helpful to you.

Wish you the best of luck though.

I am having the same issue I think. If I past the hoplink in a browser, the CB reporting will register the tracking ID. However, when I trigger the hop in my domain site, or even within the clickfunnels page directly the hop fires but the tracking ID doesn’t register. So the hop is attributed to me, but without any tracking ID.

I’ve double and triple checked the hoplink in the clickfunnels page. The tracking ID is there. It’s saved. The tracking ID is champion. Nothing fancy.

I got the same issue, if I give my direct hoplink from CB to customers, it’s counted on both vendor and my tracking ID. But if they goes through Click funnel where my landing page is, the hop is just counted on the vendor…

Once I open Clickfunnels, the screen is flickering…which only happen on their site.

As of now, I got 752 hops counted on my vendors but only 524 on my tracking IDs.

I even made a test on other countries but still the same. if it goes through clickfunnels, the hop count on my Tracking ID is not increasing only on the vendor ids.

Hi @ajs1.

Got hoplink issues in clickfunnels for weeks since my hop counts in Click bank doesn’t seem to increase if videos viewed via my web link which goes through clickfunnels
and have discussed the same with other fellow students here.

This is what I did (not recommended - do it at your own choice)

  • I removed the POP UP.
  • I put my hoplink inside the action box instead (Send Me the Free Training Now)
  • So far, seen increased hop count on my CB account after doing the above

Hi, Do you mean the hop link doesn’t fire when the quiz is answered on the clickfunnels presell/landing page? Nigel

Hi @Mediaexport.

It should be but in my case I don’t know why it’s not adding hop count in my CB even after testing my hop links which i put in my clickfunnels quiz landing prior to running my ads live.

If it’s working fine with you. Just keep it as it is…

I had no trouble getting the hoplink from Clickbank but I have to say Clickfunnels is not so easy. He claims it is the an easy system to use I have found it to be anything but easy.


It looks hard at first but if you practice regularly it’s just a piece of cake.

It’s like biking…

I’m also having trouble with clicking funnels however you’d think it would be an easy fix but my preselected language choice won’t stick any way to switch or change it? Thanks I’m just getting confused trying to solve this one🤪

Hi. The click funnel pages have changed since this post. I have a question into support, but in the meantime, can anyone shed light on where to put the CB URL?
Thanks muchly