Traffic For Me Solo Ads

I tried placing ads with Traffic for Me as recommended in the course and their support team wrote back to me saying that the page I am sending the clicks to is not a good page for cold traffic. That I should be sending them to a page where they can enter their email.

The page I was originally going to send them to is which I had set up awhile ago using Click Funnels and one of John’s pre-made landing pages

I don’t really understand why that would not be a good page to send them to if John created it and I’m sending ad traffic to is from Biz Op seekers.

I don’t know if there are other pages in the SAS system that would work better for sending this traffic to or if there are pages like this which the Traffic for Me support team recommended that I use. I don’t know what I would do with the email address even if I did have a page like that for the SAS system with my link other than to just send them to the webinar later anyway

Basically pretty lost here and don’t know who to listen to so hoping someone can help


It could be that they require an opt in page?

They don’t require it but that is what they recommended. It doesn’t make sense to me if they are sending me traffic from Biz Op seekers and it takes them to a presentation for an opportunity.

I didn’t see any other topics on Traffic 4 Me so I was just wondering if anyone else has used them and had results

Hi Hugh, I haven’t used Traffic 4 Me, but they might be updating their requirements with time, and perhaps they had bad experience with pages that don’t collect opt-ins for some reason. Luckily there are many solo ad providers out there that can generate quality traffic, like Udimi.

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I actually tried Udimi first, did some research and picked people who said they were generating sales for Biz Opp, they had lots of good reviews.

3 separate providers, all 3 got the same email to send out directing to the same JC landing page. 0 sales for me.

Maybe it was something I did wrong (but I have no idea if I did or didn’t do everything correctly). But 0 sales for me so I was definitely bummed

Hey Hugh, yes, I feel you. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee when it comes to solo ads. It highly depends on the sellers you choose, their targeting data (Who knows who are they advertising to? are they even interested in what you are promoting? or just clicking to quickly check it out?).

There is never a way to know if traffic on udimi (Or any other solo ad provider for that matter) is warm or cold, and especially when promoting high ticket system such as John’s SAS, the conversion rate may be quite low. With this advertising method, a lot of luck is unfortunately involved.

With Solo ads, you might also want to try other clickbank products, that cost less and therefore have higher conversion rates :slight_smile:


I got all of the clicks in for my Traffic For Me Solo

I don’t know if I did something wrong or what but I tried sending those clicks to my website which is different from previous solo’s I ran through Udimi (where I just got a link through ClickBank to send to)

The blog I actually had set up a long time ago when I first started with SAS. and I set it up through ClickFunnels. I thought I had everything set up correctly, and I think I’ve been following the instructions from SAS to the letter but something just doesn’t seem right.

When I log in to my click Funnels account it says I have 0 Visitors.

I also thought I had set up a tracking method for my Traffic For Me solo in my ClickBank account. When I log in to my CB account it says I only have 4 “hops” under that tracking method. What is the difference between a “click” and a “hop”? and if Traffic For Me said they sent me 500+ clicks, I have 0 Visitors to my Click Funnels and only 4 ‘hops’ something clearly is not adding up.

Anyone have any insights?


Hello everyone,

I recently purchased solo ads for the first time from Traffic For Me. I received an email from [email protected] stating I may need to contact my affiliate on how to set up my autoresponder. How do I set up autoresponder with SAS for solo ads?

Hello there,

Could anyone explain to me how to set up autoresponder? I purchased some solo ads from Traffic For Me and they need for me to set up autoresponder for them to submit my campaign. I truly would appreciate if someone could help me with this minor set back.


Hi. Did you get answers to your questions? I believe you posted in September your experience with Solo ads. I have recently subscribed SAS and going through Week1. Would be great if you share your progress and journey so far.

No I didn’t get any answers, just wound up being more confused because different people giving me different advice. I got frustrated and work started piling up so lost motivation.

But I probably spent over $700 for solo ads and not only didn’t get any sales, I didn’t even get people to click through to the link. Very frustrating when the videos in week 1 tell you to buy solo ads, spend $100 and make $500 and I follow the exact same steps and don’t get anywhere.

My advice is don’t spend your money on solo ads until you really know what you are doing.

Hope this helps


Sorry to hear. Thanks for sharing Hugh. With week 2 about websites hopefully you can at least a list from your traffic that you can remarket too. Did you see IIya’s response above. He suggtest sending it to a lower ticket offer to get conversions. I think I might try that once I get an opt-in page build.

Keep pressing on!

I tried a lower ticket offer for a Crypto Currency class but did not have any success there either with solo ads

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Thanks for getting back and letting us know @avfarm05 . From the reports of most on the community seems like majority have not had success with solo ads. So I will stay off it myself for now.

@avfarm05 may I ask what was your copy for what product? Could @IlyaG give us some feedback? Cause I learnt from another place that with Solo Ads you want only people who are interested in your specific product to “click”.

Basically the email should not be a “click bait” which is want Solo Ads vendors wants because they are selling you clicks. So never let a vendor write your copy for you. So if you are directing to a page to sell them SAS mention SAS or John Crestani’s name in it. So if they already know they do not want it they will not click on it.

Only use vendors who are willing to use your exact copy. Your copy should reflect the headline of the sales page or at least your capture page as much as possible. 100% if possible.
If you capture page as simple as possible with headline is almost identical to your email there is a higher chance they will then click on the link on your capture page to go to the sales page.
They have clicked form your email so they are interested in what you offered. Chances of them opting in to move along to the sales page is higher.

So at least that way you got their email and they have some interest or wants to find out about the SAS or John Crestani’s course.

When email is just a click bait it encourages click when they read more they realise they are probably not interested at all.

That is the two cents from what I have learnt about Solo Ads. All the best.
@Vikk @mtranlee I have named you here as well since we have been chatting elsewhere in forum about SoloAds

I don’t really understand what you mean there. I followed the videos and did exactly as they said so I copied something that was given to us and gave that to the solo ad provider to use. But I have no way of verifying they actually did that.

And I have no way of getting their email. That was one of the questions I had on another post was if they enter their email on the pre-sell page given to us by John where does the email end up? I never got a clear answer to that

They are registering for the webinar, so they end up on johns list.

I was told by support that there is a follow up sequence sent on our behalf with our affiliate link for a period of time. But I have no idea how to verify if that actually happened