Tracking on Clickbank

I do not see any ads in Clickbank for John Crestoni or SAS. I have done a solo ad with his product but can not see where in Clickbank to check the tracking.

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Hi, @mstead36! Can you tell me what you mean by not seeing any SAS ads in Clickbank?

Also, are you referring to checking your hops and order form impressions on Clickbank?

If so, then all you need to do is to go to your Clickbank’s analytics reporting.

You can locate your analytics reporting by going to ‘Accounts’ on the left side panel of your dashboard.


Then click the hyperlinked account nickname.

Locate and click the Reporting tab on the horizontal navigation bar at the top of the screen. Clicking this tab will reveal a sub navigational bar.

On the sub-navigation bar, click the Analytics tab.

In the upper left corner of the screen, select whether you wish to view the data as a vendor or as an affiliate.

You can also check the full article about analytics reporting here.

Thank you, yes that was one issue. The one I am referring to here are promoting Johns’ products. Do I do this from the SAS Hosting site? I am sorry, I am a little confused.