This Weeks #4 Badge Requirement

I just clicked on the Week #4 badge to see what the requirement was. You have to post a picture of your FB ad AFTER you spend $250. It doesn’t say that it has to be $250 at FB, but I am assuming that is what they mean. I have already been billed for $300 at Google and I have decreased my spending at FB just to keep the ad up. I cannot afford to go another $250 in debt when I am not getting any viable responses to these ads. With the four ads - two at Google, one at YouTube and one at FB, I have only gotten one conversion and zero orders. No one told me I had to spend another $1K after the initial $1K to take the course. Even though I have put in hours and hours doing this, John will think I’ve QUIT if I don’t get my Week #4 badge. I am NOT a QUITER. Just a poor old woman who wants to work and make some extra money.

Hi maybe look at the archived Internet Jetset course in the Resource Links section it is about free traffic. Nigel

Mediaexport: Nigel, Thanks for the heads up of the free traffic in the Internet Jetset course. I will look for it. Right now, I am looking at $437 from Google plus an erroneous billing by Google of $350 showing up now on my credit card. My FB account is only at, I’m not sure, one place it says $13.32 and another place says $58.34. I can’t go to $250 on FB. Sheryl