This solo ad seller - best traffic I got!

Hi there everyone,

Hope you are having a trilling time out here so far?

If any one of you havenā€™t try this solo ad seller on Udimi, you are missing out I think. After trying 5 solo ads, two from him out of five, it just overshadowed all the others.

If you havenā€™t signed up with Udimi yet, here is the link to do so and search for ā€˜ā€˜Daniel Huppertzā€™ā€™ when looking in the search bar of the find seller tab. This guy is DELIVERING fast and HIGH quality traffic with 10% overdelivery minimumā€¦no mobile option and it works. Out of a 300 clicks order total I got 196 Hops and 12 orders. I guess it is pretty goodā€¦

Try it for yourself: RIGHT HERE


Are you using a specific swipe?

Yes. I used email#10 and 8 from JCā€™s email swipe resources. I have altered the text a little bit and made variations of my own.

So far best results with email 10 for me.

Wish you best!

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Thatā€™s great! Thanks for sharing!
Are you using a landing page or just the affiliate link in your email swipe?

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Hi Erika,

I am actually using my own paid domain name that I bought with Bluehost hosting plan. With this, I have set up a clickfunnel account for the SAS survey funnel. My affiliate link is pasted somewhere in the settings of the funnel.

That being said. I started with the single presell page for SAS with my website again. I got less results like this.

Now I am switching to the method of a funnel with email subscribing option so I can email potential buyers directly ā€¦ hopefully leading to more sales!


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Thanks for taking the time to walk me through it. Iā€™ll go through the rest of the training on how to set up everything up. Cheers to more sales !

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So excited for you! Iā€™m still struggling, but reading stories like this is encouraging. BTW how do you set up the SAS survey funnel in the clickfunnel? Is it in the course? Iā€™m new to all this.
Thanks. Eva

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Hi Eva,

Thank you!

We all have to start somewhere. I didnā€™t know a thing about any of this a month and a half ago either : )

Yes indeed you will get to go through the training to set up a clickfunnel in the second week course. Make sure you are all set up with a web hosting plan with Bluehost or Coolhandle as explained in previous courses and you will be ready to create your funnels with a clickfunnels account.

You will get there pretty soon!

Wish you best. Cheers!

Hi Olivier:

What is your website domain? I wanted to see if I set everything up properly in mine.


Yes I already tried Udimi and had so many hops delivered and few hops of ā€œorder pageā€ 3-4 per 100.
I prefer also MLMgateway you can find so many verified leads for bizop.


Hi. Here is my simple presell page I am using right now with my own domain. I use to have a click funnel but now I no longer use it.

It should look like this


Hey Hi. Thanks for dropping by here. I just took a quick look at MLMgateway. You are using this platform right now? Is it working for you? Feel free to let me know about your experience on this platform If you can.


Thanks Olivier. Feel free to contact me (martinhf100 gmail) any time if you would like to team up.

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Hey, Yes Iā€™m using this platform 2 weeks and have so many leads, some referrals and commission also.

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