"This campaign and its contents cannot be modified in Google Ads"

Hi everyone,

I’m currently in the stage of setting up my google search ad, which is done by the way. I have also found a solution to the interface problem which is to set it on expert mode. However, after any adjustment I make to my ad on the website, as soon as I hit Apply this message appears;

This campaign and its contents cannot be modified in Google Ads.

I figured I’d try downloading the Google Ads Editor to see if I could change anything there but, to my surprise, there’s not a single Ad on the editor when I access my google account through it. Needless to say, it has left me at a standstill. I await further guidance and assistance while I figure out a solution to this mess

Hey guys,

Never mind. I figured out a solution and perhaps a theory of why it might’ve happened. I’m pretty sure this is somehow linked to many problems with people’s first Google ad.

My solution After I made the Display Ad, was to remove the Search Ad campaign entirely. Then I followed the instructions for the Search Ad as stated in the video and, to my surprise again, EVERYTHING WAS IDENTICAL TO THE VIDEO.

My theory for this sudden change in freedom is as follows; Google, by making your first ad interface “beginner friendly”, cuts your choices of editing by a large margin so you only do as they want you to.


Very good, but how do you change your interface to “expert?”

In Ads Express, you can click the tool drop down in the top right-hand corner of the interface. Then select “ Switch to Expert Mode

For more information here’s the link;

Thanks, I will try this on the next attempt. The first Google search ad is getting me nothing.