The 'test' hop link is not working

I followed all the instructions and the link is not going to the page when /test/ is added
Please look at screen shoot

sorry. i added the same picture twice by mistake.

i notice the following. i thought it would help if i click the button.

instead i got this. what should i do to fix this problem

i got it was a problem with the cache. I can’t if fixed directly with bluehost online chat

Glad you got it sorted :slight_smile:

I have an interior link from send button, I get the right first presell page. The button to send is giving me a Spanish language site. I do not know how to find the interior link lcation for the jump from button? anyone got an idea?


To force a language setting add &lang=en to the end of your hoplink for any of the available languages


If using a tracking ID:


Hoplink + /?tid=SAS1&lang=en


Hoplink + /?tid=SAS1&lang=es


Hoplink + /?tid=SAS1&lang=fr


Hoplink + /?tid=SAS1&lang=ru

If not using a tracking ID:


Hoplink + /?lang=en


Hoplink + /?lang=es


Hoplink + /?lang=fr


Hoplink + /?lang=ru

All you need to find is the 2 letter code for the language you wish to use.

Hope this helps.

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Hi, How do you do the Clickbank hops tracking to verify your link is working? John demo’d this on the call last week. I am bouncing around Clickbank but keep coming up empty.


Step 1 - Login to Clickbank and go to TODAYS report
Step 2 - Enter the Presell Page you want to double-check in your browser. Go to the offer page
Step 3 - Refresh the Todays Clickbank reports and you will see if it works or not.


Had 40 clicks from Google and no hops on clickbank account. Checked and not going to my affilate id. I was sure I checked when I set things up. Anyway, just want everyone to be aware. Here’s how to make sure.

Click on the SAS video on your website that you set up. You have to wait for the whole video to go through. Then click on “Get Access Now”.

This will take you to the Sales Page. Click on the “Get Access Now” to get to the checkout page. Scroll to the very bottom. Underneath the Terms of Sale, there should be an affiliate ID. It will show [affiliate=clickbankid]. If the clickbank id isn’t yours, you have a problem.

Hello everyone! This is my first time commenting and my second day on the program. I’ve gone through the Presell Page Setup 2 section and have followed all of the steps. My website appears to be working however, no HopCount shows up on the reporting page of Clickbank. It still shows 0 so something is wrong. How do I address this? I’m a bit frustrated as I’ve spent the last three hours trying to figure this out. Thanks!


If you go to your presell page to test it, you must answer the survey questions and get redirected to the webinar opt in (offer) page. Since this is where your affiliate link lands if you click it, this is the page where the hop is counted.

So, say you have an ad running and someone clicks the ad. They get taken to the presell page. This shows as a click in the advertising platform. From there if the person that clicked goes through the survey they get sent to the offer opt in page to sign up for the webinar, this will show as a hop in CB.

You won’t see hops per order and hops per order form impression until you have your first sale since those stats further break down your sales conversions.


I’d also like to add you might want to try and go through this step in a different browser. I set everything up on Google Chrome but I could only go through the survey on Microsoft Edge. After I did this my reporting showed I had 1 hop count.


Good idea! :slight_smile:

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