The hoplink issues

After copying and pasting the hoplink 15 times I lost count… Can’t get the link to save.

I’m having a similar experience. After several attempts to save it, I have tried the process over and over to see if I missed a step. It turns out, I didn’t miss a step…it’s still not working for me. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to solve this issue?

Hey Guys, sometimes links don’t save and you need to do it once or twice like John shows on the video, by generally there shouldn’t be a problem.

Here is a video I made for Roberto (one of our customers from Italy :slight_smile: ) that shows the link input process.

Here is a general video about the usage of Clickfunnels presell pages :slight_smile:

For individual assistance, please write to [email protected] and include your login credentials (CF), for me to troubleshoot and tell you what went wrong.