The Goal: To live my rich life

Hello All,

My name is Erin and I currently live with my daughter and 2 dogs in Central New Jersey. I am a fully remote senior accountant for a health and wellness company. My dream of working remote began when the pandemic happened and I vowed I would never return to in office work again. My next goal is creating a passive income stream that will allow me the time and monetary freedom to do what I want, when I want, while also making a difference in other people’s lives. Also, I would love to create a legacy for my daughter.
I am not new to starting an internet business, during the pandemic I spent months creating a subscription based website targeting small business owners. Although I had access to training modules, I had to invest and build the website from scratch and there was not one-on-one direction. That said, the website did not “take-off” and I did not make any sales as I didn’t fully understand the sales end of the process. I’m feeling relief that I was able to find John’s program and to have this beautiful system that will teach me step-by-step how to build a business that will allow me to live the life I want to create. I look forward to speaking with you all during my journey and thank you.

Erin Hack