The first four lessons

Discuss Super Affiliate System methods, and share ideas, tips, and advice.

Hello, actually this is the first time commenting on the SASā€¦ I thought the program at first might be intimidating coming from a completely different work cultureā€¦ I was wrong. Johns style along with his gentle demeanor allowed me to keep forging ahead with excitement. Now through the first four weeks, Iā€™m more comfortable and reflecting on all the third party reviews and how accurate they were. Good job to everyone, work hard, make mistakes and go back through the course when you have questionsā€¦ I did, and as JC says, see you on the other side. Money and fulfillment is only clicks away, no matter how long it takesā€¦Donā€™t Give Up.


Thanks for your message! Great to hear you are easing into the new culture :slight_smile:
Let us know your thoughts, questions and experiences as you move forward!

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