The Curly Braces Or no?

I Have A quick question In the set up video at time 18:32 on Johns sheet shows what I believe to be curly brace {Keyword:Guru} Is that correct? although on the sheet I see in the resource its blank so use it or no? Update I did add them and set it up so its running just wondering thank you

Hi Chad
I had the same question on the script.
if that’s working for you then I will do the same.

Garydgram, you are running google ads?

Hi Chad, 3-26-19, that is where I am asking myself what to do with Headline 1
Either go with Follow {Keyword: This ‘Guru’}? or Follow This ‘Guru’? I will also go with the former and use the {
} hopefully to use the substitution feature. We will see

The proper way to format this would be Follow this {Keyword: ‘Guru’}?

Hello Chad007,

Hopefully by now you have figured it out, but I just wanted to say something since I see that still no one has corrected John’s sheet back to the way it was last year.
Yes, the sheet is wrong. You will not get the gurus list’ names dynamically inserted as the keyword if you follow the sheet. Follow John’s video, it shows the correct information.
Then, after you revise your ad, always go to the “Tools” tab (in Google Ads or Bing), click on"Ad Preview & Diagnostics" and enter a guru name from your keyword list to test if/how your ad is showing.
I have done this, and found that all of the following combinations work for Headline 1 and Path Display1 respectively: (The first combination is the one appearing on John’s video)

Follow {Keyword:This ‘Guru’}?

Follow {Keyword:This ‘Guru’}?
{Keyword:This ‘Guru’}

Follow {Keyword: This ‘Guru’}?
{Keyword: This ‘Guru’}
---------------------------------------note the space after the colon is also part of keyword----
Follow {Keyword:Guru}?

Follow {Keyword:This E-Com ‘Guru’}?

Follow {Keyword:X}?

Hope this helps!

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If you format it as
{keyword; This ‘Guru’} the word this is not a keyword

best to format it like this

Follow This {keyword: ‘Guru’}

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I Agree.
I just wanted to make a point that there are other ways that work too as long as one follows the correct syntax.

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@toddperry @betin2018

Hello, I’m following along here because I too was not using the {}.

When using the google display tool; I have searched multiple keywords that my AD is associated with; yet google is telling me that my ad is not displaying on any of them

Can anyone help me understand why my ads aren’t displaying? Is it due to elligibility of the ads, something wrong with the ad? (Google saying my ads are 100%)

Hello tomboshredz,

Yeah, I just tried the tool and got same. I don’t think the tool is working properly, because my ads do show if I do a google search. Have you done that?, if that doesn’t work
Then, I can only think that maybe your ad/keyword combination is not ranked high enough to show on the first page of google search. If so you might want to improve your ad ( hint: I tried adding a couple of ad extensions to my ad and I doubled CTR - In my opinion they are a must!). Also, make sure you read/understand what the keyword metrics mean - Keywords, “Auction Insights” -(often, just the little information shown when you hover over your mouse on the column names , is not enough, so click on “Lean More”). Here, I see my ads never show on first page 100% of the time) there is always room for improvement in our ads but at least here I can get an idea of how/where my ad stands.

Hope this helps,

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