Thanks for great coaching call

Thanks Sara and Andy, lots of great info on a short call. Your time and expertise is greatly appreciated!


Thanks @metzfromnc! Glad you joined us and found some helpful info! If thereā€™s any thing youā€™d like us to cover in upcoming calls just post it here!

I hope I wonā€™t need to keep asking this for much longer, hoping Iā€™ll see some ROI soon, but for now could you address the problem of little funds to invest in ads and how to best use the small monies I do have. I guess Iā€™m asking how to be successful faster but w/o spending hundreds on ads. Yikes, is that possible? Iā€™m not tight with money, I just have so littleā€¦ Thanks.

Thatā€™s the million dollar question Linda! My campaigns run from $5 to $60 per day, depending on the product/campaign and ROI. I always start small ($5-$15 per day, per campaign) and scale up from there once Iā€™m satisfied with the result. Just keep in mind that results are subjective.

So would you say that $5/day for 7 days isnā€™t a waste of time/money? Maybe a good place to start?

Are we talking FB or Google? $5/day on FB is acceptable to start, however I would recommend launching 3 ad sets each at $5/day ($15/day total) for the first 2-3 days to let FB help you find the best performing ad set and ad, then kill the others put your budget on your best ad for the next 5-7 days.

Here is additional info on my FB ad setup preference: How To Analyze Results

Thanks so much Andy! Iā€™m on it.

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