Testing questionnaire

hello! so after setting up and editing my presell page in clickfunnels, I have tested the page, and when it brings me to the questionnaire, after clicking the first yes, it seems to freeze. It only moves through the whole questionnaire after I click the first yes 2x. Im thinking potential customers will just be frustrated, and possible not think to click yes again, and just exit. Anyone else having this issue?

My issue has been resolved… lets just say…human error? :roll_eyes: more like blonde moment…:rofl:

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hah! Im happy the issue resolved itself!

What was the ‘human error’ if you dont mind me asking?

Thanks for posting in the forum though! Im pretty excited about this, I just started it last week :slight_smile:

lets just say that I didn’t actually read the questionnaire, and didn’t realize it had actually changed to a different set of questions…blonde moment because I did the same thing, more than 2x. :woman_facepalming:

btw, love the forum idea, I can imagine that as time goes on, it will become a great resource for us peeps. I love how comprehensive this course is. :purple_heart: I guess the only trouble is finicking facebook…