Test website address--HELP

I have been working on this for four hours now and gone over all the videos at least 5 times each. I can not find what my website address is so that I can test the html file. The video shows that John already has a website address in his notepad sheet. The video never shows where he got it. I have made an account with Bluehost, but nowhere does it say what my website address is. HELP!

Hi - you would have selected a Domain name in the first video. Do you recall selecting one? If you email the support desk we can send you the PDF and if you want to also send your Bluehost login and Hoplink we can take a look at your setup for you and get you going.

Thanks for responding Sheryl.K. I do have a domain name. I will email the support desk with the info you mentioned. I also contacted Bluehost today and Iā€™m waiting for a response from them. I have a feeling there is something wrong with Bluehost. When I registered I was forced to setup a blog and store. It wouldnā€™t let me past that point without accepting. I told them that I wanted an affiliate page. So I will wait to hear from them before proceeding further.

Thanksā€¦have a webpage. No need to use GoDADDY at this point. I just want to get something going before checking out new software. Have a nice July 4th!

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