Super Affiliate System

I just completed the videos for the Welcome To The Super Affiliate System and really enjoyed them. I can’t believe the amount of work and expense John has put into this training course to help us succeed.

Hi @Rosie

Glad you enjoyed the videos!

hi, i’m Wayne. Anyone know how i can make money now? i need it badly

i live in a big ol house in thailand but there is no work for me here and i’m tired of the ebay bull. i had around 100 sales people working for me daily in LA Ca USA before i kinda retired early here in thailand. i need to make money fast. i was doing very well on ebay but some haters most likely my competitors bought some Frye boots and tried to claim they where fake. everyone knows the boots i sell are not fake. ebay knows who my supplier is and sill let those guys who are most likely my competitors give me bad feed backs and messed up my good selling record. i had 2 of those negative feed backs and now i’m hardly getting any sales. like 1 every other day with mybe a $10 or $20 profit. i just hired a inventory guy and if things keep going the way they are going i may be starving in a forigne country in a big 6 badroom house.