Super Affiliate System removed from clickbank?

Good afternoon, could anyone please tell me if John’s Course was taken from Clickbank? I am in week 1 configuring the site and the moment I went to search the link in clickbank I did not find the course anymore. Thank you!

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Também estou com o mesmo problema. Não encontro o super affiliate system no click bank

hey @mario.gestao @mrc111 @leandrolimadasilvall, musta been just a glitch? I see it in clickbank this morning… cheers!! :sunglasses:

Hi guys!

John had temporarily removed it from Clickbank to run some updates.

Super Affiliate System is available on CB marketplace now.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Thank you Sabrina and Jeanette, let’s take a look today. How many blocking problems in Facebook and Google are already standardized, ie can we spread the ads? I ask because I view enough blocking comments with both. Thanks again for the kindness and accuracy of the information!

Also happened to me. I tried to find it, at the time it wasn’t there!

I will have to try. Did not have trouble today?

I looked just a minute ago and found it.

I am with you Christopher_s. I went in and putting aside my reactivity and found the SAS