Suggestions for Google Ads How to Videos Module 4

For $10k the google ads how-to videos need to be updated to stay in sync when the google ads interface changes. The current how-to videos are way too outdated. Some components are completely out of order and I have to guess where things are and what they do instead of just being shown. I can understand the format being a little off but some of what’s referenced I still can’t find due to just how outdated the current how-to videos are. Can someone please update these how-to videos and hire a team to stay on top of this? I bought into this course because I thought it was going to be straightforward. The Google Ads interface has enough twists and turns as is. John even references how challenging the interface is as a con - the outdated videos make it significantly harder and more frustrating than it should be. I think this is a teachable moment as this area of the training could use a much-needed revision. I am all in with this biz model and I can follow instructions when I have a straight line of sight. Let’s step it up with the how-to videos guys - please & thank you


Your observation is true, as yes many of us have complained at times, however, the weekly events and frankly extra effort that the staff goes to have helped me overcome the shortcomings of the UI not matching up as I am one who plots along following exactly so I do wish they updated, however, my sense is updates would rapidly be out of date - my spin as I have found the SAS team good at helping not trying to upsell me as other similar Make Money Online gigs do. Hope you catch the Thursday events. Be safe. I do believe SAS staff has on their agenda to update the modules.

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I totally agree with you, I had the exact same problem and the training video’s desperately need to be updated.

Is there anyone that knows or has recently been able to copy the code from Google Ads to your Adzilla webpage? Could someone please tell me or show me where the Adzilla site settings/ advance button is located? I’m ultimately trying to get to where the option to “insert the google code” is located and how that code is inserted. The “how-to” video in the course doesn’t show the way to do this because it is outdated as well as the only other video in the live training library that addresses “conversion tracking” dated 5/20/2022. The live training video is accurate all up to copying the code to your adzilla webpage - then it goes completely off the beaten path. The adzilla dashboard Ilya refers to looks completely different and NOTHING in this last piece of copying the code from Google Ads to your Aszilla webpage is where the instruction video references. So it’s really just that last piece of copying the code from google ads to my adzilla webpage that’s missing. Once I have this I can start my campaign - so please anyone out there that has figured this out RECENTLY and that actually knows how to do this let me know and I will be eternally grateful. Thank you!

Have you figured out how to copy the tracking code from Google Ads to your Adzilla webpage? The “Live Training” video from 5/20/23 is actually better than the outdated “How-To” video in the course for this. In the “Live Training” video from 5/20/23, it’s only flaw is missing accuracy for the final step towards the end when you have to copy the tracking code from your Google Ads campaign to your Azilla webpage.

Have you figured out how to copy the tracking code from Google Ads & insert that code into your Adzilla webpage for conversion tracking?

The “Live Training” video from 5/20/23 is actually much better than the outdated “How-To” video in the course for this. In the “Live Training” video from 5/20/23, it’s only flaw is missing accuracy for the final step towards the end when you have to copy the tracking code from your Google Ads campaign to your Adzilla webpage. So if you’ve figured this out or have a link to a video presenting a current & accurate way to get this done please let me know. Thank you!

Have you dealt with reversing a Google Ad account suspension? Or are you in touch with anyone that has had success with this I can connect with? Please let me know. Thank you!