Successfully completed Week Three videos and assignments

Hi All,

The week 3 was a very rigorous one as there was lot of information related to Google Ads. I have just followed along the John’s recommendations and have successfully completed Google Search Ads, Google Display Ads and Adwords Conversion Pixel set up.

Please see screenshot attached.

Now have a lot of confidence and will start looking at Clickbank’s other products to promote similarly.



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Awesome, Manish! Hopefully you get a few sales :slight_smile:

Hi Sabrina,

I have posted ads on Google Ads, but the status for two ads is “Approved” and one of them is “Eligible”.

What is the difference of these two status, does this mean that my ads are not running or do they take time to show on Google Ads.

Please advise.

Please see the screenshot attached.



Please see the following post for the eligible status in Google Ads.

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