Still can't get to the google ads page in Johns video, no menu options?

I filled out the info from start now and made an ad and hooked a credit card to it and they said that they received my dollar payment in my email, but it has the location automatically just around where I live and I could not change it to countrys, I cant find a page with all the menu options on it like John’s, with country and all the rest of the stuff he had to do, mine was really fast with none of the things to fill out John did no guru list ,nothing, do I have to wait until my ads approved to get to that page ? on the left in my google ads account menu I only have enable and pause and follow this keyword guru, thats it none of the things John has on his menu search ads, display ads, campaigns etc… very frustrated can anyone tell my why? or how I get to the page John has, I was told by a member to go through it and then you can get to that page later to redo it, but I don’t have the menu options to do any of what John did and they said my ads enabled and there charging me? But I have nothing filled out ?

Hi, John can be fast when he clicks, but I like the new version of his training, where he is drawing red lines and circles. if you have a 2nd monitor attached to your computer, it should help to see where he goes while you are following along on your monitor. You can slow down John’s video’s using the settings or pause it and rewind if you get lost while you are following along. I get frustrated as well, and then just stop and return to doing it a day or 2 later then I find that I can follow better. I followed the google ads training last night and got approved today. PAUSE your ads first and then try the following:08%20AM%20-%20Display%201|690x388

On your google ads account, click the KEYWORDS, then click the blue + sign, you should be able to add the keywords on the following screen.

Let me know if the screenshot helps

I have no problem following John the problem is I don’t have keywords or anything else to click its not in the menu I think I have to wait till my ad gets approved to get options in my menu? I will reply when my ad gets approved, Thank You very much for your input and help jaysonmendoza26.

I opened the google ads in chrome. There it is displayed as in the video

That might be it I have a Mac with Safari, but on my last computer I put on google chrome, and my computer crashed from it I didn’t want to have that happen again, it let some virus in through it, or something, and the last year I have had no problem with Safari. but I am out of options, and google is worthless, for help they just keep asking me to post the same thing over and over. Sabrina says it might be my browser also, Thank You for your input Martin2019!

Just tried Chrome and of coarse it didn’t work for me, still nothing in the lefthand menu? Glad it worked for you Martin2019!

Hi @Erich

I just opened my first Google ads account a couple days ago.

I as well did not see the pages John had up on the video either.
Google guided me through my first ad creation. That seemed to be the only option at that time.
I figured if I just went through the set-up (the ad) then that would enable me to access the dashboard we all see John demonstrate.
It worked.
I knew I could always pause the ad/delete and then have full access to ads dashboard.
The funny thing is… The ad Goog helped me create of course was approved instantly and started running after set-up.
No credit purchase was made at that time.
Having access to the dashboard now, I then paused/removed the ad to set another one up per Johns instruct.
I then created the text ads with Johns video… and not one single ad got approved.
I did over 80 combinations of the wording and created very toned down verbiage, and every single one was rejected.

I even redid the exact ad google had guided me to set-up… Yep denied!

I gave up… Decided to create the Display ads and as I was doing that I deposited some cash into Goog… All my display ads were approved and are now running… yay!

I’m not going back to text ads just yet… so I’m not sure if I will experience the same.
Just happy to have some ads in front of the masses.

Hope this helps in some way

Kind Regards,


Thank You Sky, for the great information, by the way you have a great name. I finally had to talk to google also , and the guy I got was non supportive to say the least, he starts off by telling me I can’t afford to advertise on google , $20 will only get you 3 clicks , he said they cost $6 per click, and said I need a lot more. Anyways after all the crap he did not know what was wrong and said I needed to open google in chrome, because he is google, and the member above you said it worked for him also. But not me to make a long story short we finally clicked on that little wrench on the top and clicked on advanced and there was a list of search terms, maybe 10 and I just turned all those off, and I got the overview list which John’s video has , I am still short half of the things in the gray menu bar on the left like search campaign , display campaign, video campaign and what ever is under that, at least I can edit the most important things no mobile and ad a country. The ad I did, I could not change any of that, I had my city and an adjacent one as my only location.But my John ad got approved in 30 seconds. I don’t understand how going from the same platforms we can all have so many issues and the fix on Martin2019 was google chrome didn’t work for me , but the tools icon gave me most of my menu how can that be? I am going to take your advise and try Display ads even though its not in my menu as it is in John’s. Out of this whole process I see why John says Perfection Kills Sales, because I am thankful when I get half of what I am suppose to get because thats seems to be the best I am going to get, and still moving forward , even if it is slow.Thank You again for your great input Sky!

I use a Mac as well, and sometimes I find Safari slow and frustrating, so I will sometimes use Firefox. It works well

I tried Firefox and google chrome and safari and safari works as good as the others and its made for Macs, last year I tried e commerce and had to get Chrome for the extensions add on and Facebook, but It got a virus and crashed my computer , so I had to buy a new Mac , and I swore I would never use it again, but this coarse I had to try because people says it works. I am keeping it until the the end of this coarse, and if it doesn’t help anything I am dropping it like a hot potato, it has not helped yet. But you are right Jeanette I have Firefox because even Sabrina says maybe its your browser causing that problem, and I have to be able to say no thats not it, tried it , and it has not been it yet.