Starting Week 2 right now

I am excited what I will learn from Week 2. I think the key is to learn and then make things to happen. Will work on it slowly but surely.

June Welford

Definitely will create my website today.

June Welford

Yes, thatā€™s the way to go! Keep us posted with your progress!

Will do Itvplus. So much to learn and take action at the same time.

June Welford

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Definitely repeating Week 2, to learn about creating my website, then can market website which I think, makes so much sense long term.
Couldnā€™t do it last night as the wifi wasnā€™t working so no internet. Had a good night sleep though which I need badly.

June Welford

I am Ange, I have completed Week 1 canā€™t wait to start week 2.

Btw I started a thread called Peer Accountability under General Discussion so we can encourage and keep each other accountable. Iā€™ve listed my goals for week one. Hope to see you there : Peer Accountability

Letā€™s encoruage and keep each other accountable because it is so easy to get lost and give up esp with see people who said they lost a lot in SoloAds without a single sale.

how long does it take to get access to week 2?

All depends on your commitment going through Week 1. Whatever it takes, you call the shot.
SAS is a wonderful course and worthwhile going through everything thoroughly. I am so excited, and at my age I am so pumped. My desire to be successful with SAS builds up tremendously. So stay focus on Week 1 then go to Week 2. Donā€™t rush, most important is be committed just like anything else we do in our life if we want to be successful.
Stay in touch.

June Welford

Hi Ange
I just focused on doing the right thing from the very beginning, the process to succeed with SAS. Over time the Sales will show up.
Just like anything else we do need to spend on buying ads, try free ads, etc etc in order to get result.
Very happy to be here, am learning every single day, very determined to do well here when Iā€™ve done the right process in this journey. Itā€™s just the beginning:kissing_heart:
Stay in touch.

June Welford

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