Starting the Super Affiliate System ~ Follow Along w/ Jz1

Greetings Earthlings!

Soā€¦Here is the Startup Follow Along. I Intend to engage in an active process of my experience as I Startup this Super Affiliate System.

My goal is to not just for myself but for YOU! I hope to have some heads up advice, What I learned that you wouldnā€™t get if you just took your own way and why I find it important to share with you as helping you be the most successful ā€¦well, it makes me feel good ā€¦OK?!

OK. Here we go! Click like the Heart :heartpulse: and bookmark :bookmark: this Follow along so you can stay updated as any new posts arrive. Please comment and ask any questions I will be sure to reply once I see the notification of your comment, question post.

Iā€™m learning here along with you, and like a younger sibling may gain and advance faster by learning from the Older Brother. Letā€™s call me that in this Follow Along fun. I hope you get the most benefit and I look forward to this venture together.

My Name Is Jeremy Zutter but you can also call me Jz1. Be sure to click that :heartpulse::bookmark: Remeber more can be found in the 3 dots ā€¦


The First and Most Important information I can offer as I have started this system is DO WHAT JOHN TEACHES. That being said it sounds simple but Take it from me, it might be more complicated due to human error than you might guess.
OK, So I started this 3-4 weeks ago. I didnā€™t even have a badge and I was like what am I doing wrong? Turns out its those details that really make a difference. Lucky for you I subscribe to the ā€œDivine is in the Detailsā€ ideology.
So I went back and started @ the beginning. literally from welcome video #1. Here is what you need to know:
Humans are humans. and if youā€™re like me at all you can space out and not even realize it. When I re-watched these videos (which yes I arrogantly was like Iā€™ll never have to watch those again, that was easy.) {insert air-horn blowing } Big oopsā€¦ would you believe that I didnā€™t even remember watching some parts or even the whole thing. whoa!
Hereā€™s what we learn together: NOTES! write down everything john writes on the board every video of every section.
When John says a task to do create a checkbox in your notes and write the task. That way if you donā€™t do it right away you have a safety net back up that secures the completion.

  • Add profile information, upload a picture in the account section of the main dashboard and click the badge for ā€œset up profileā€. Follow the instruction to make sure you get your badge.

  • Go into Community. Access the Forum. Add your picture and info of your profile there too. its an independent system of your SAS dashboard so be sure to stay in the loop correctly. Go to Introductions and say hello. Also, be sure to even do discobots suggestions fyi.

  • And of course, youā€™re already here in the Follow Along! Great for you!

OK, now that we are sure to have those tasks complete. &Trust me, I understand you want to make money, build a business not spend all your time in forums and profile buildingā€¦ but get it done now and it will make a difference later.
& if my experience is a testimony to being a good student, and really applying myself. Then do not be afraid to go back and rewatch any video. You like me are human and we learn by repetition. Trust me if you feel any sense of maybe you missed something; Go back and Re-Watch. whether while your watching and even days, weeks or longer. Repeating any video has potential in your success as you grasp this vast new world of so much info. The beaches are coming, Keep doing the work!


If You are following this Follow Along: PLEASE post your GOAL as John Instructed in the last video of the welcome.
Objective: cash flow, cash out, combo {pick one}
$$$money: $__________
Lifestyle:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________{insert Dream vision}
Time: {1 hour/day} {2-5 hours a day} {All IN}

Any additional explanation is welcome . this your opportunity to claim it in a safe supportive forum.

$$$money: $10K (The dream) but in all honesty $5k
Lifestyle:Iā€™m a country girl and enjoy the simple things in life so my own cottage in the country (currently renting), with my 2 cats and a lifestyle that affords me the time to spend out in the country walking (free activity :slight_smile: ) and to be able to help my young-adult kids set up their lives and be able to spend more time with them.

Thats Great Debbie! Thanks participating with me and my follow along. Keep working at it and im sure $10,000 can&will be flowing to you.
The rest of your life is unfolding.