Start a follow along!

The proper way to post a follow-along is to document all steps of your ad campaign, on a regular basis.

This is a great way to get feedback on your affiliate marketing journey, and to have others hold you accountable.

Make sure to post screenshots or images of all information related to your ad campaign such as the targeting settings, the ads you are posting, a link to your landing page, and the offer that you are promoting.

Regularly update your follow-along; the more regularly you update, the more feedback you will get.

When I started in affiliate marketing, Follow-Alongs were essential to both helping me learn, as well as getting feedback on my own campaigns, and holding myself accountable to update my thread every day on my journey to profitibility.

Looking forward to seeing your posts!



Thats Fantastic Advice! Follow Along is a valuable tool in self advocated skills growth based on wisdom. Got it.