Spanish Presell Page?

Hi, I was wondering if there is a presell page in Spanish so that I can market to different communities? I see there are videos and swipes in Spanish, but the presell page only seems to be available in English. Any suggestions?


Hey Rick,

Are you using Clickfunnels or the manual method?

Hi Sabrina,

I am using the manual method.


The presell pages are available in multiple languages if you are using clickfunnels. If you’re using the manual method its currently only available in English.

Hope that helps!

Yes, it does!

Thank you very much Sabrina!

Didn’t want to pay a monthly with ClickFunnels though. I have Convertri. I’ll see if I can use that somehow.

Thanks again!

I am using English presell page but get spanish on the second page. Any ideas how to get both into english?

Hi Steve,

I was looking at the page source and I do not see anything that can be change for the second page. The link is only the one we can change for our ClickBank ID. There must be something wrong on your end that is showing the page in Spanish. Did you try another browser and see if that helped?


To force a language setting add the codes below to the end of your hoplink for any of the available languages


If using a tracking ID:


Hoplink + /?tid=SAS1&lang=en ​


Hoplink + /?tid=SAS1&lang=es ​


Hoplink + /?tid=SAS1&lang=fr


Hoplink + /?tid=SAS1&lang=ru ​

If not using a tracking ID:


Hoplink + /?lang=en ​


Hoplink + /?lang=es


Hoplink + /?lang=fr ​


Hoplink + /?lang=ru

All you need to find is the 2 letter code for the language you wish to use.

Hope this helps.

Thank you Sabrina, All of your input has been very encouraging. Sometimes software just does things we can not explain. I had a great learning experience when I switched and did the manual method. Bluehost support was very helpful with the things that had to be undone from the clickfunnels earlier work Nasean the support person was excellent.

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Glad you got it sorted :slight_smile: