Someone contacted me on FB, what next?

Hi all!

So a man sent me private messages and in interested in this program, what should I do next please?

I have no results with this program yet (except this man :wink: )

Can you help me please?



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Hello Guillaume!

We cannot advice on specific step-by-step communication with a potential customer, as this is very individual, but generally - do try to make him feel that you give him personal attention, and are open and available to any questions he may have, try to stress the benefits of the program and the great success that he can achieve (assuming that you are promoting SAS :slight_smile: ), ask about his goals and let him know he can get them. Try to understand his concerns and dilemmas, so you can address his doubt.

Good luck!


Thank you for your quick reply Ilya!

I spoke a bit with him andhe happens to be french speaking like me :slight_smile:

He said he’s 50 and wants to have more time for his childrens and work from home now.

He didn’t watch the webinar, so the next step for him is to watch that, right?

(and yes I promote SAS :slight_smile: )

Have a nice day!

That is great news that you have someone interested from your social media posts (I’m guessing)!

Agree with above about supporting and openness.

And I’d do what you said and let John do the selling in his webinar.

BE sure to send him to your landing page first which will direct him to the webinar and you will get credit if/when he buys.

Good luck ! Let us know how it goes.



You can generate a direct to sales page hoplink in CB and send that to him? :slight_smile:

Seems he’s already sold, he just needs to buy!

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