Solo Ads Set up

Hi Everybody… in relation to the Solo Ads set up, do I need a website to set up the ad, or can this be done anyway?

Thanks Dani

Hi! You can run a solo ads even if you have not a website yet! I suggest you to search here in the forum (past posts) for more discussion about that! :smiley:

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Hi @dmbelcastro, you can actually do both, it doesn’t really matter what’s great about email marketing is that, its not really strict when it comes to promoting your link.

However, I do personally suggest to also create a website with your landing page, to split test it and see which one works better. :+1:

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Hello, Also remember you can split test your ad with the same provider but use different email swipes to see which converts better. I hope that helps. I actually just learned this myself. I am super pumped!

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Also, in relation to the above topic ‘solo ads’, I have started the updated version of the course. Last Video, Module 3 the ad set up for TrafficForMe. Ilya shows us how to get an acct with TrafficForMe and purchase the traffic, but that is the end of the video. It is a little different to Udimi and I don’t quite know what to do. I have a screen shot and what I am confused about is… do I need to download a CSV file and when you choose that you have your own email text, where do you put it. There is only a box to type additional instructions. I didn’t go any further than this page, because I did not want to do it wrong. I appreciate any help I can get here. Thank you everybody… Love this Community :slight_smile:

Hi @dmbelcastro
John and Bryan speaking about a website in week 1 but there is no video on how to make the website, so I am kind of confused on how to take action right now.

Hi! In “landing page url” you have to insert the link of your presell page ( you can also insert a variation, so 50% of the traffic will be send to the first one and 50% to the second one)…In “email copy options” you can use your email copy (advertiser), provided by john in case of SAS or by other product’s vendors on clickbank affiliate resources section, or you can use the email copy provided by the publisher (=solo ad provider)…hope it was helpful! :smiley:

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Hi @khanhlungwane1, I understand the confusion on the first week since we’ve recently shuffled the course a little and moved Solo Ads to the first week, rather than one of the last ones, to add some actionable content to that week, and that resulted in some confusing references by John and Bryan, which you will understand very soon on upcoming modules.

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@khanhlungwane1 …If you have started the new course, it has moved around a little but the setting up the website instructions are under Module 2 in the ‘show me how video’s’… It’s really easy to follow :slight_smile:

@dmbelcastro Thanks a lot:+1:

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