''Solo ads set up'' and ''Udimi Solo Ads, Other Offers'' videos

Do i have to buy the exact same solo ads from Mark Jameson that John Crestani shows us from week 1 module in the video name ‘‘Solo ads setup’’, or is he simply showing us how to do it as an example.

Another question is do we have to buy the ‘‘bulletproof profit’’ solo ads in the video ‘‘Udimi Solo Ads Other Offers’’ , because if yes, i want to let you know that i cant find it on clickbank

Thank you.

Hi Matthieu - nice to see you posting here in the forum! You don’t have to use those exact ads. John was just showing you examples.

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Thanks Sheryl. I couldn’t find the Bulletproof Profits on CB either, and I was wondering the same thing.

Hi - Clickbank isn’t carrying that one anymore from what I saw. You can use whatever products you find that you like on Clickbank.