Solo Ads Results - What does it mean?

I ordered two Udimi solo ads yesterday from two different vendors, 100 visitors each. The following were my results.

Vendor 1: 1 Hop
46 quality visitors + 4 filtered. Total: 50
delivered 46 / 100 ordered

Vendor 2: 58 Hops
29 quality visitors + 4 filtered + 1 useless. Total: 34
delivered 29 / 100 ordered

I’m not sure, but I don’t think this is finished.
No money was made. So what do I do with this? What does this all mean?

Hi Carolann, yes this isn’t finished yet, the ads are in progress of delivery :slight_smile: Udimi just gives you the statistics of your visitors so far.

Both orders are still not half-done, so hopefully you can get a sale with the rest of the clicks, that will be delivered soon!

You don’t have domains with Udimi optin tracking script installed.

What does this mean? Do I not have something set up right? Should I have a web page before doing a solo ad? It’s not setup that way in the course. Where is this traffic going?

I did my first solo ad and it was sent to the 100 I requested. No sales. Do sales take a while or if we don’t get a sale in the first 24 hours after launch, is it over? What should we expect and how long?

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In my experience with solo ads it’s a way to build your email list. Since this is not something we focus on in week 1 you need to wait on John Crestani’s email sequence to see if you get sales. You get 60 days from when you add the solo add to see if there are any sales. Although I’m not sure how long John’s sequence runs for if we are promoting his webinar.

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