Solo Ads in week 1 training

hi everyone! This is my first week and I’m very excited to be here. I’m curious, but what is the point of setting up a solo ad? I assume it would be something to do for later as you learn the basics of setting up landing pages, websites, various accounts. Any idea? Hate to sound foolish

I just set it up. I’m still confused though as to when we start to make money.

I sent out to solo ad campaigns. I got good stats on click rates on the first AD. The second AD has not started yet. Do we get to keep the email lists that are generated through solo ADs? Aweber, I don’t think allows the import of these email lists. No sales yet

I have just place mine too and now I am tying to place on Facebook and you tube but I am a little confused. Anyone to help please ? I have message same solo deals as per John Crestani advise so we can compare which ad works better, but I am waiting for his reply now.

I think solo ads is more of a slightly advanced topic. It is not covered in depth in this course. If starting out, it is best to start out with Google or YouTube ads. If you buy a domain on Godaddy, you get a credit of about $100 to $150 for Google Ads account. That is literally how I got my first 2 sales for nothing down.


Here’s my understanding of using Solo Ads.
Solo Ads are considered a fast and easy “Paid” traffic source. As you can see from John’s video it is not very complicated to setup and promote a ClickBank or (any affiliate) offer to make money. The downside of using the method is you do not get the email addresses of the people that are looking at the offer.


same here …

im confusion , just finish the week 1 training but he say on the welcome modele : you’r going to have a company , u’re going to have your website live … but he didn’t say how do , where to go

I thought I missed something too. I places my solo add but as I continued through the course he talked about bluehost and our own domains and websites. I’m wondering if I miss it

But he talk about creating domains on week 1 ?

I’m in the same boat guys. I’m trying to stay positive and hang in there as per the Welcome Module, it says sometimes things won’t make sense but may be covered in the next section. IDK, hopefully week 2 has more info. I believe Larry061 has it correct, that’s my understanding of the solo ads ups and downs.

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Wow, thx for the information!

i have the same issue, i have yet to see any website video and im not sure if i missed something or im just supposed to keep watching until that information comes up. i created a Clickbank account and Udimi but that about it, only because after that the solo ads videos begin and i feel there was a great gap i missed.

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i guess lets wait for week 2 and see if they are going to cover those topics

Hi,I just placed a solo ad via Udimi, for Sas,I just put in the hoplink ,where it says on the video on solo ad setup. I pasted the hoplink in my browser to chk and it does point to JC’s webinar page. since i tested it a few times my Hoplink states 8 ,but they are all mine,how do i know when it is a genuine click from a customer?

Agree with your understanding. I just got pas the solo ad vids on week1.
WRT collecting emails, if you get igorsoloads to set up an autoresponder (apparently it’s free), you could start collecting your own email addresses.
Haven’t tried it yet.

Hi there,

You should contact the seller on Udimi asap to ask to edit the email! It should take you to the page you linked to. I had that happen once but I luckily caught it in time. Be sure to always check your link before using it.

Hope it works out for you


Okay folks… @Larios01 @crispolly2007 @renusethmd @Larry061 @mtus4950 sounds like there is a lot of confusion going on.

Week 1 is Intro week. Get an idea of what we are going to be doing. The easiest… simplest way to drive traffic to an offer, is to ask someone who already has a following to send his people over to your offer… and this is done via solo ads.

A solo ad is simply, asking another successful marketer to please send and email to some of his people to see if they might be interested in your offer. You will not need to do anything… other than provide the marketer/seller with the link you would like to promote.

Since you are starting out… with no website, product or anything… IF YOU WANT TO GET YOUR FEET WET (and start getting used to ad-spend), you can promote the SAS webinar with your own affiliate link. You can find it at the top of the page AFTER you put in your Clickbank ID.

You simply give your solo seller that link. They will take care of the rest… its like ordering a pizza. In Udimi, you can spend as little as $23.00 for 50 clicks (website visitors).

Once the seller begins to “serve” clicks there are no actions needed from you. They will notify you once your clicks have been served. If you log into clickbank, you can click on REPORTING and see the number of “hops” or clicks your offer has received.

CAVEAT: Do not expect sales right away. It could happen, sure… but remember, this is a high-ticket course. It took me over 5 months to “spare” the money to buy it… and there is every possibility that some of the people who see it, might be in the same boat. The idea of the exercise is to start learning the process from the merchant side, as opposed to the consumer’s side. Also … bear in mind that “clicks” are people - and people will behave as people do. You may be lucky enough to run into the person that had the need, the time and the money to invest RIGHT away… but if you expect immediate, overnight success, you are already paving a path of disappointment.


At the time I got SAS, solo ads wasn’t covered. Since I don’t like Facebook too much I used YouTube Ads. Using the strategy I explained above I got my first sale with $10. You could almost know what to expect from Facebook and Google, but Solo ads are different. While I admit not seeing the Solo Ads in this course but I have in other courses. The risk is that you may not get a good Solo Ads vendor. Thinking a potential customers will save an email for later is wishful thinking. It is worth a try, but I would consider a lead magnet to capture their email so you can remarket to them. I am curious if others have success with Solo Ads. But for now I will use the proven methods that have made me money.

Absolutely… I agree. Solo Ads are best for list-building and convert best on trip wire and low ticket… with the occasional lucky strike!