Solo ads- directed offer to landing page for email collection or direct to product?

just wondering, those of you who have done this,
did you:

  1. let the solo ad guy direct traffic with just your product link
  2. send in an email swipe from the product JC or other product
  3. Use a short landing page so as to collect email and then direct the person to the product sales page.
    Bryan seems to use sols fro email collection and then give out product information.

Any views and success from those who have already done solo ads.

Thanks Phil


Hi there,

FYI, I did the following :

  1. No solo ads with only hoplinks. I will assume you mean letting the solo guy setting/putting something together for you.

  2. I bought 5 solo ads using email swipes, single presell page + SAS survey clickfunnels from JC products in an attempt to split testing the best I though was suitable. I did get different results. Not only from the email swipe but, I also think it depends on the solo ad seller and the quality of his traffic. It definitely works better if you avoid mobile contact (all mobile contact went void). You can choose sellers that gives you the options of excluding mobile.

  3. This is the next step for me and hope I can elevate the success of my clickfunnels to lead to sales. So far I only bought solo ads with the single presell page and one SAS survey clickfunnel and I believe I am failing to make sales (even though I got 12 order form impressions) because I can’t get to follow up with emails to reach out a second time for the potential buyers that didn’t buy but, got to the final step of clicking on the billing form.

Didn’t get any sales yet but there is traffic on your solo ads when you get the right seller that provide the right audience for Bizopp for instance, if you are going for that. I got a total of 307 hops and 12 order form impressions for my 5 solo ads.

I will invite you to check for this seller here. I have posted a link on the spam zone if you are interested.

Hope that helps!

All the best!

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Hi, thanks for the reply. you are way ahead of me with talk of Clickfunnels etc. not seen this yet in week 1. My thought is to give a link to a simple landing page from Get response. saying “make x in 10 days” type thing with an" insert email address" box so I get the email but then they go direct to either the “JC see this video” OR another affiliate offer. I think it so important to grab email address. thanks for the heads up on the udimi seller. need to go through the resourses page in more detail. Only looked at this all yesterday, done all of week one so far starting week 2 later today. Phil (forgive any typos).

Thank you so much for that info

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Hey Phil,

I think you are absolutely right about this. I agree. The most important is to be able to get the emails to follow up on potential buyers that didn’t buy and try to get them to do so.

I got the same problem with the single SAS presell page. I could not capture emails and I thought I would also get them from my Udimi ads as I have set up a click tracking options. I thought I was going to get some emails in the optin section (a bit technical, you’ll get to this part as you go through the course)

Anyway, that being said, I have found out recently that you can capture emails from potential buyers with the CLICKFUNNELS method that you will see in week 2. But here is an extra course that is not actually included in week 2 program:

For the rest, I guess you’ll have to wait for week 2 course :neutral_face:

Wish you best!

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Olivier had shared some good information here, I hope you can follow everything J.

The most important thing though, is to really take things step by step. Don’t throw away all your budget on Solo ads, don’t put up a 100$/day bidding maximum for your first Google Ad, take your time! Affiliate marketing is a great business but even though John provides a detailed step by step guide, it is very important to tailor your affiliate marketing business to your personality, your comprehension, your niche preference, your advertising budget capabilities, your technical ability, and the free time that you can allow yourself at the moment. Therefore take it step by step and build your empire, don’t rush from the start :slight_smile:

P.S @orfreedom99 Olivier, check your Skype, I think I’ve found the reason for the 404 problem.


Hey Ilya,

High five!!! It is working. Great work!

I just made sure that I started everything from scratch, from copying the funnel to creating a new page in WP.

Thank you!