Solo Ad Email List Questions

What exactly happens with a solo ad? It’s still not quite clear to me from watching the training videos and reading through some of the forum posts.

So I pay for a solo ad and give the seller my affiliate link. What are they doing with that? Sending it out to their email list?

What if we don’t have an email swipe as is provided in the SAS system but just include our affiliate link?

What if the market is over saturated? Like everyone in the SAS system is using solo ads and paying the same handful of ad providers to promote the same SAS program? How do we know if the solo ad provider has sent out the same type of email to their same list a dozen times already and the people who already bought SAS are receiving the same message over and over?

Hi Hugh,
You have stated exactly what I was going to ask, how do we know if they are sending the same info to the same mailing list over and over.

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Hey @avfarm05 and @gaylebm.1, Those are all good questions, and it’s very important to be asking them in this stage, I’m always proud to hear students questioning the process and wanting to understand how the pieces come together, this is the type of learning process that will make you great marketers.

So first, how is your solo ad handled?
It really depends on the provider! Generally these people own blogs, websites, instagram accounts, facebook groups etc, through which they collect emails to build their email list in different niches.

Then, depending on their niche, they can promote your product (Presell page or direct hoplink) to their email list, and therefore make people click on it. If you don’t have an ad text, then it’s the seller’s responsibility to choose their own way to promote your link, and they can do it any way they choose. (Whether it’s good or not is questionable, again, since you DON’T KNOW what they do, that’s why John provides the texts, and you should always add your own ad text if available)

The targeted audience is not very “warm”, since, even though they ARE interested in the niche that you are promoting, they are not necessary interested in buying your product, unlike the clicks you get from google & Facebook, which you can target better and you know at least partially WHO is clicking your ads.

The advantage is that you know exactly how much a click will cost and how many (at minimum) clicks you are going to get.

So let’s say I own a blog about traveling and I publish twice a week, through the years I collected an email list of 10,000 people which are my blog readers and newsletter subscribers. I now offer my services on Udimi. You buy from me, 100 click for your product, which is an extra light sleeping bag . I know by experience that to get 100 clicks, I need to send your product to about 1000 people. So I send them your email swipe ("Hey guys, everybody is using this new awesome sleeping bag now, check it out here! "), and I got you 132 clicks for example (over delivered).

How to avoid re-using of same emails and over-saturation?
That’s tricky since you essentially don’t know where your link ends up and if that person saw that kind of ad previously or not.
So first of all, even if he already saw that ad and didn’t end up buying, retargeting is one of the most powerful tools we have in marketing, and showing it to him again with slightly different wording and presentation, might actually work.
Second, the providers have vast large email lists (especially the top ones) and they know how many emails they need to send to get X number of clicks. If they are professional, they would avoid sending the same product over and over to the same audience and will target different emails with your ad, a few days after a certain audience of theirs was targeted by my ad.

About the AD swipes, John provides the ad swipes that actually worked and work, so they are proven and the best to use. BUT, indeed you are free to slightly alter these ads, headline or content to make at least cosmetic changes so your email swipe isn’t the exact same of hundreds of other users, though in the current Bizopp market, even if the ad is the same, there is a high chance that it’s going to work.

Two additional things to remember:
-A sale of the SAS lands you 480$ in commission, which is far and beyond every other product, so you don’t need a huge amount of sales to have a flowing income. This in turn, also means that sales are more rare and it takes time to get the conversion process going.

  • Though John focuses on the SAS since that’s our product and he knows EXACTLY the best way to promote it and how to teach you the most efficient practice of marketing, our goal is actually to teach you the process and the logic behind the way John operates, so you are able to promote ANY product you wish. Once you input just a little of personalisation to this kind of marketing (so essentially, choose a product, build your presell page in Clickfunnels, generate a few email swipes based on the vendor’s JV/Affiliate tools which you slightly alter), and you have an almost unique product, which you can apply EVERYTHING John teaches you to, to succeed big time. remember, what’s important is the BIG PICTURE :slight_smile:

Hope this clears things out a little! (Sorry if I over-elaborated :slight_smile: )