Sola Adds, where does the email list come in?

Just a Question on Affiliate Marketing, maybe I’m getting ahead but I thought that the key to long term building an Affiliate marketing business is to build an email list. What we have just learnt is that we spend money on a solar add, hopping that we get a sale, no return email that we can follow up or does this come later in the program?

Hi Barry,

Solo ads are there in Week 1 to give you a glimpse on marketing procedures, and how easy it can be to generate traffic and get attention to your links/products/website.

I do recommend spending most of your advertising budget on Google & Facebook ads though, rather than Solo Ads, to start with (No problem to spend some initial budget on it, you might get a sale!). The solo ads are a ‘first dip in the sea’ to give you the option to start advertising right away and have a chance at success :slight_smile:
Building your own email list is a more advanced step of the process, but we do have a video that demonstrates it :slight_smile: