Setting up the presell .zip page

A brand new web host. I followed the instructions as per John’s video. The presell page will not show. I am not a skype person. Could we please post an updated video or give a text explanation on how to make this work?

Hi @unclemonkey

We have a step by step tutorial for setting up your pages here:

If you’d like me to set up your page for you, please send me your log in details for BH and your hop link to [email protected]

Thank you it works. Is this pre-sell page used with Clickfunnels? I entered my name and watched the whole webinar, yet I saw no call to action at the end. I’m assuming you would use a bridge page. Am I correct?

Your presell page is your bridge page. It is placed between the ad and offer.

FB Ad —> Presell page —> Offer

The call to action would be the “send me the free training” button which contains your affiliate link :slight_smile:

I see no place to put an affiliate link. I place an ad for the free training…go to video sales page…dead end! How does this all come together?

If using the manual method, put your link in the index.html file :slight_smile: dont forget to save changes!

hello Sabrina,
I’m wondering if anybody here had there BH website not working yet…that’s my issue as of now 5/11/19. If I type in my URL with BH it will say, “coming soon” why is it not working yet, do I wait another couple days? I’ve created it yesterday.
I have done all the manual editing of html by following John’s video on presell pages and tested it.
It did not show up. Thank you so much


Have you made sure to launch your site from your WP admin panel?

Thank you for the reply Sabrina. Exactly what I did, I went to watch John’s video again on presell page and found out I didn’t launch my site in WP. Looks like it’s live now I tested it. Cool

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