Setting up a website

Hi I already have a website can I use it or do I need another one

If I need to host two domains would I need to get the higher hostage package?

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If you already have a website set up you could create a subdomain for your presell pages. Iā€™d suggest getting a new domain dedicated to this. I donā€™t know what hosting package you have but I would think it could handle more than one domain. What hosting are you using? Which package?

I have host through another company and I can have up to 5 domains does it, mater, if I keep my current hosting provider

If you are comfortable with your host and can upload and activate your presell page there wouldnā€™t be a reason to switch. The tutorials are written for Bluehost so if you are wanting to follow the tutorials you could change.

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I purchased the blue host since it comes with a domain name for free and is for three years so I will transfer my other hosting. Thank you for your reply