Set up site with Blue host

I am a bit confused, I went through the steps with Blue host, and I am at the screen where it says ready to launch your website. There isn’t anything on my website, and I am not sure if I am supposed to customize the website, do I ad images right now to my website until I am able to sell a product?


Hi @poolciccio, you can just click the ‘Launch My Site’ button that you see on your screen and go through the manual set up to create your presell page. You can check this link for your reference.

I have a related question. My site is and after following the manual method, my presell page is The presell page is working fine, but for the main domain,, it says website “coming soon”. Should I set up a basic one page theme with at least a title/tagline and a couple of images to appear on the main domain link?


Hi @nikram10, it doesn’t really matter if you leave it as it is. Since the domain link that you will be promoting is the which has the set up landing page.