Secure website and domain name

Hi guys, two quick ones: is a secure (https) website really not needed? Would it not give better results to have the landing page “trusted”?

Secondly, I see the point on having the domain hidden from search engines, but do you think a recognisable name ( or whatever) would also help with click throughs?

Hi Paul!

Though the domain name is not always important since you’d be promoting it via mainly via ads and customers won’t be typing it (probably won’t even notice it), I for example always look on the address of the website that I am visiting, and it definitely helps to have a catchy short domain rather than random numbers or letters. Then, at least to my opinion and experience, the name itself is important since that’s the initial representation / first impression of your site/page and whatever you are promoting/representing.

Https is actually recommended (having an SSL certificate), since it can also interrupt approval processes with certain advertising services. Unfortunately coolhandle doesn’t provide an SSL certificate unlike Bluehost, but I’ve recently created this article to allow for a free SSL certificate for life :slight_smile:

Those are good questions, keep up the good work!


Great, thanks! I’ll go through your free ssl tutorial properly and see what I can set up.


thanks it worked great!

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