SAS Pro Module 2: Creating a website in Wordpress

I’m confused on the ‘Show Me How’ Video about creating a website in wordpress.

I don’t understand the whole adding a new page with a custom slug. It just seems like you’re adding a new funnel over top of another one.

And when I try and add a new page something different appears for me, like a different link other than the one I registered. The website I have with Bluehost is

But when I log in to Bluehost and try to add a new page following along with the video I see

and I don’t know what that site is.

When @IlyaG is going along in the video the link always stays the same as

So I don’t understand why mine looks different from the website I registered and don’t want to start advertising with a wrong link.

Hope that makes sense and hope someone can help.

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Hi @avfarm05, I’m sorry to know that you are confused about this.

A website such as can only host one page/presell page. So when you want to promote multiple products using the same domain, then a custom slug is needed to host or identify other pages you have on your domain.

Let’s say for example, I have a domain, which is already hosting a presell page. For me to have another presell page using the same domain, I will need to create a custom slug like,, this should be the same if I have another product.

Ilya probably is using just one webiste or link on his videos because he is using only SAS as an example on his tutorial videos. And the website he is using host the SAS presell page to it.

I hope this helps.

Does not help at all :frowning:

That was complete gibberish to me.

So I have my 1 website which I managed to get a Clickfunnels presell page loaded onto…still not 100% sure I did that right or managed to put my affiliate link onto correctly…and I would really appreciate some help looking into that…

But if I wanted to promote a different product, I would need to register a different site?

Hi @avfarm05, your confusion is totally understandable.

I went and checked your presell page and it looks like you did a great job!

If this is your CB ID below, then you are all set.

Regarding your second question, if you wanted to promote a different product. Will you need to register a different site.

You may mean a different domain by this.

Well, this will really depend on you. However, to be cost-effective, this is when the custom slug will come in.

A custom slug will allow you to create another page using your one and only domain, which in your case can be

When you create a custom slug, the other product that you will promote using your domain will be on a different page rather than the home page where you already have the SAS to it.

And when I say homepage, that means this>

A domain with a custom slug will look like this for example.

As you can see there is a slug after my domain.


The name underlined in black is my domain while the name underlined in red is the slug.

If you click on just my domain, you will see that its hosting a speechelo product which is my home page.

But at the same time, it’s also hosting a different product with the use of a slug.

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Thank you! That definitely helps to clear things up.

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I’m glad I was finally able to clear this for you, @avfarm05. :smiley:

I am still having some issues with this…

When I try to create the custom slug and promote a different product I am not getting similar results. In following along with the video @IlyaG is able to create the the home page

with the SAS presell page as the home page.

But then creates the custom slug with sqribble and and it navigates to his sqribble presell page that he created.

But when I try to do the same thing, loaded the Click Funnels presell page with the Unlock Your Hip Flexors Funnel, create a custom slug /hip-flexors

then try to navigate to I get a ‘page not found’ error.

I saved my work at each step but cannot figure out why I am not getting the same results as in the video :frowning:

Custom Slug2

I tried the same thing with the manual method promoting the Custom Keto Diet because they don’t have a ClickFunnels presell page and am getting the same result. When I try to navigate to the page I thought I had created I get a ‘page not found’ error

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Hi @avfarm05, the link below is the link to your presell page based on the screenshot above.

There may be some issues with the set up. I’d be happy to check it for you, you can email me your Clickfunnels and Bluehost account details at [email protected] for me to look into this for you. :smiley: