SAS Presell Page: What happens to email?

In the SAS Presell page where it takes you through a couple of questions and then they enter in their email address to sign up for the free training… what happens to that email address?

It seems like if they don’t stay through and watch the webinar all the way to the end and buy, then the email address is lost to me forever?

When I used this SAS Presell page and promoted with Solo Ads I spent a lot of money on solo ads and got the clicks that the solo ad providers said they would deliver, but almost none clicked through to the order form.

So what happened with all of those email addresses that were entered? And how come I got so few clicks to the order form?

Any thoughts appreciated

Hi! What do you mean with…“email address is lost to me forever”?..The email addresses will be collected by an auto-responder (not yours of course, but the sas one) in order to “follow” those people who inserted their infos…whether they bought or not, If you don’t see any order form impressions, maybe none of them arrived at that step! Hope that helps! :grinning:

I guess this may be a question for SAS support… but let’s say I use the SAS presell page provided to me, spend the money to advertise and get traffic to my website and include my affiliate link but they don’t buy right away. But they have still entered in their email address on the presell page that I have used that SAS has provided, does SAS keep that email address for itself even though I spent the money on the website and to get traffic to it? and send them a follow up email and skip over my affiliate link?

Hope this is making sense and someone can clear up for me. I just keep reading all this stuff about building an email list and setting up an auto responder but have no idea how to do that for myself and it seems like the provided SAS presell pages collect email addresses but I can’t actually use them myself even if I am paying for the traffic to get those email addresses.

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Hi @avfarm05, the emails collected go to our database. And John follows up with people that leave early for you or don’t watch after signing upon so some of your customers/leads may convert at a later date.

And do keep in mind that when someone clicks your hop link, a cookie is placed on their browser which is valid for 60 days.

And for as long as the customer does not click another user’s hop link, clear their browser, or change devices/browsers, you will be credited with the sale.


Thanks! Helps to clear things up!

Thanks Lizette for your reply