SAS Panel - Bad Gateway Error 502

:warning: I cannot login to the SAS Panel - Bad Gateway Error 502
is the message displayed…

…Also, my mapped domain is triggering the same message when clicked.

Thanks @BastianS and/or @lizette1 in advance, for your help. :star_struck:

i am having the same issue right now.

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Hi @dandenno1 and @megan.j.west1018. It may have happened during the time the system was down due to system maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience and not notifying you.

However, it should be working fine now. :smiley:

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@lizette, thank you. However, yesterday I could at least log into the sas panel and today I am unable to do that. I apparently do not have access???

Thank you so much for your help

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Thanks @lizette1, it is :call_me_hand:

@lizette1, @megan.j.west1018 still has an issue apparently? :man_shrugging:

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Hi @dandenno1, the SASPanel should already be working. you can try to clear your browser’s cache and log in again using this format if you already have a mapped domain:

I am havign issues also. I registered for the SASpanel yesterday but only got as far as receiving the email advising me to wait a few hours after propagation then relog in using my new domain to access the platform but I am unable to relog in. I checked the DNS A yesterday and today and i have all green checks but receiving an error msg, assistance needed. thanks