SAS FB Results 48 hours

I just started an FB campaign for SAS about 48 hours ago. I followed all directions as stated in Week 1 of the training. My budget is $20 per day.1441 people were reached with an ad spend of $33.62 so far and I only got 7 clicks, no sales. Are these results below average? Should I pause this campaign? Is there something else I should be doing to increase my results which was not mentioned in Week 1? I would appreciate any advice. Thank you!

Mine have reached 555 people and 13 likes. Not sure how many clicks I did not count, Iā€™m happy with it so far, and spent like almost $10, No sales so far. One thing on my ad is I didnā€™t have any cover on it on the top. Donā€™t know if John had suggested a cover on it.