Salutations from The Sunshine State

Hello everyone, My name is Amanda. I am here to add another page to my journey and stepping out of my comfort zone starting here. I only dream to do more for the world as we know it. I’m a Humanitarian at heart, but I have let social anxiety take over in some form or another and have learned to help in other ways. This will be a challenge to an extent and I’m excited about the outcome. To learn, explore a new opportunity, and a chance at the financial balance. Best Of Luck To All!

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We’re glad you took the initiative to join us here at SAS, @amptat6! And chosen us to be part of your journey.

Make sure to visit our knowledgebase, we have lots of helpful articles and info there.

And register for our weekly webinars if you haven’t yet. Every week we have a live Q&A session where you can ask questions, as well as a special training session where we’d be going over a chosen subject. . Here you can find the outline and replays of the latest sessions.

We wish you the best of luck with your affiliate marketing business.