Running Google Display Ad, then what do I do?

My Google ads (search ad and display ad) are running now, I got 42 clicks, then now what do I do?

Analyze your results. How do you get 9000+ impressions and only 42 clicks? Maybe change your headline ads? Do you have a negative keyword list? Refine your keyword list. You got here to SAS because youā€™re smart and motivated. Iā€™ve found this SAS training will show you the basics and provides you a great platform to start, but youā€™ve got to go think outside of the box and analyze everything from keywords, headlines, landing pages, offers etc. and you can do it! The image above was my google search ad results from today. Keep tweaking things constantly to get optimal results.

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When running google ads do you do the pixel before you submit to ad network to be approved?

Iā€™m so impressed with your early results! Unfortunately, I havenā€™t any conversions yet. Not sure what Iā€™m doing wrongā€¦?