Rich from Iowa looking for supplement to retirement

Hi Rich from Iowa, Retired BNSF employee.

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Hi Rich @dedham10 :partying_face: WELCOME! Great to meet you here - I am sure you went straight to work and have immersed yourself into the first course modules :star_struck: But let me quickly introduce you to the most important points:
Let me start with introducing ourselves - so this is us, John and the SAS staff, and we will be happily assisting you on your journey to success and financial freedom! Reach out for us or our technical support at [email protected]. Beyond that I’d like to encourage you to make use of our forum with this helpful community of like-minded people - they will be a great source of both, knowledge and inspiration for you! Share your personal experience, discuss affiliate marketing, post your questions and help others whenever you can.
Another great source for instructions is our Knowledge Base, where you can find plenty of additional tutorials.
Do not forget to sign up for our Weekly SAS Live Trainings happening each Thursday.
Lastly I’d like to ask you to upload a profile picture for us :call_me_hand:

So now you should be all set - thanks for your attention, you can go straight back to work and make things happen :muscle:
We are all looking forward to connect with you - Good luck for this new challenge :hugs: