Removing Clickfunnels word on my URL for SAS Funnel


I want to remove the word cllickfunnels on my funnel url and as per their tutorial, i need to set the cname from bluehost website domain and integrate with clickfunnel account but it’s not letting me.

Any help would be appreciated.


hi lea,
you can use the wordpress plugin from clickfunnels to embed any clickfunnels-page to your blog (with your own domain name as url)
hope this helps :slight_smile:

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Hi @ucanbfree.

Thank you.
Let me try that a bit as I just finished week 2 and was so happy that week 3 is available now for me to access.

Wanted to do Youtube asap.

Enjoy our journey to have residual income like JC.

Clickfunnel word is also showing when I’m showing my website link to my network…


Hey Lea,

You can add/integrate a custom domain to your Clickfunnels account so you can assign it to any funnel you want.

I bought my domain with NameCheap and then integrated it with Clickfunnels so I can assign the custom domain to any funnel I choose. Example below:


Inside Clickfunnels on the right on your profile pic click on it and the 3rd choice down is Domains and that’s where you integrate your Custom Domain. Example Below:

Insdie Clickfunnels they have tutorials how to do it for whatever ISP you bought your Custom Domain from: GoDaddy, NameCheap etc.

Hope this helps…

Rodney Kim

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Hi @amycus14.

Thank you for the information.

I bought my domain from bluehost and did the same what you did but their way as instructed by clickfunnels support tutorials is to set up my cname and inside blue host and enter

Once I did set it up to clickfunnels and run test, my website showing wordpress only.

Setting up CNAME from Bluehost Domain

Adding Domain to Clickfunnels

I guess, the problem is that I played around my subdomain name in clickfunnels trying to change it prior to setting up the domain.

I was stuck with it for about 20 mins and decided to just deactivate that account and create a new and Redo the setup which is faster than before.

For now, maybe I’ll hang a little bit need to regain my confidence in playing with the domain setup since I already have 7 running SAS campaigns in FB, Google (search & displays) and Youtube don’t want anything wrong happen to my website.

Once again, thanks for the tip and your time. :smile:

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HI @ucanbfree.

Thank you. :blush:

Hi Guys.

Just regained my confidence adding my web domain inside click funnels.

I already checked if the CNAME I set up in blue host is working that should direct it to

But it’s been an hour now but when I checked my domain in clickfunnels, it’s still showing unverified.

I’m having problem now since my website looked like this that’s why I paused all my running campaigns, until this is fixed.

How long did it take for you until your domain gets verified?

Did you also face this problem that your website is just showing A WordPress Site?

were you able to fix your issue?

Hi @jeanette

Tried the 2nd time but the same thing happened so I patiently waited for Live Support from Clickfunnels. They told me it often takes 7 days until my DNS from my bluehost cname directed to will be fully updated all over the world.

Since I got running ads, I decided not to add my domain to clickfunnels for now.

Hi @windgod123.

I usually just create a New Campaign on the same FB Ad Account…

Hi @jeanette.

After almost a week, my new Cname DNS already successfully propagate all over the world…

All with green check via and just add my domain in my clickfunnels.
Thus, automatically removed the clickfunnels name on my urls.

The click funnel support is right then that it often takes 7 days for new dns to propagate all over the world.

Happy to say, my domain is now perfectly working with clickfunnels.

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will your domain be secure ?will clickfunnels secure your domain withtheir ssl?


Security-wise with Clickfunnels, dunno actually.

@daddyrichh You should have gotten a free SSL certificate when you signed up with BlueHost. Here’s their support article to get that set up.