Registering domain on Clickfunnels

Goodmorinig to everyone! I have a question for you all: i wanted to know if, when we add a new presell page on Clickfunnels, we need to set up domain as we did for the first time or not???
For example, i added the “Forbes advertorial”; where it says “Register a custom web address” (step 2), i can use the main domain of the website i created, or i need to create a new domain?

Thanks all for time and avaiability!!! :grinning: :wink: :+1:

I was wondering something similar. I joined Clickfunnels too. Can I just buy domain names and have the funnels I create linked and hosted by Click Funnels? I want to avoid spending $100 every time for a new domain with hosted website.

Hi! You can use the domain you have registered with Bluehost (or other hosting services) or with Clickfunnels!

Hi @Marco.Buccella, I guess you already had it figured out. Good job! :+1:

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Yes thank you! It seemed more difficult than it was! :smile: