Ran Solo Ad and got interesting Results

I ran my first solo ad using a presell page that I created. Not the one that John Provides.

I setup it up in Clickfunnels as a split test to a variation I created, divided the traffic a 50/50 for split, and got an interesting result.

My Control got: 57 - clicks
My Variation got: 146 - clicks

I asked clickfunnels about the disparity and was told it would balance out eventually.

When I purchased the solo ad I did not specify all desktop (Yeah my bad) so I would up with 97% mobile which I wasn’t expecting so the conversions are probably screwed.

Another anomaly was the device types I got 96% US so I was expecting to see about 50% android and 50% IOS. I did not I got 95% android with the majority Android 8.1.0 followed by Android 8.0.0.

So I thought that was a bit off too.

If your going to run a Solo Ad ASK the vendor if they can deliver 100% Desktop which may be impossible in today’s device filled arena.

No sales yet but in the 6 email sequence for follow up

Message 1 - 14% open 5% Clicked
Message 2 - 14% open 5% Clicked
Message 3 - 14% open
Message 4 - 9% open
Message 5 - 10% open
Message 6 - No opens yet.

Heat maps
I setup a free heat map using hotjar and it revealed where folks clicked on the page which was interesting to see how mobile users use their phones. I also recorded the sessions to see in real time how they scrolled and what appeared over the fold and beneath it. I designed the form but missed the mark on getting the all important name & email over the fold for most phones.

If you design your own custom presell page keep this in mind. You gotta get the name & email above the fold.

Take aways
Split testing with clickfunnels doesn’t always balance the load as expected
Ask solo ad provider if they have a desktop only list.
When doing your own presell page use a heat map to show where folks click. Make sure you get the fields above the fold!


Thank you for the detailed information! This will be helpful to a lot of people.


Great Feedback @Who. I really appreciate it when good folks like you share your results.

I haven’t ran any solo ads yet. I just finished watching the videos but I’m going to setup my accounts and start running solo ads this week.

I did notice with Udemy, that they have a filter NO MOBILE.

I’m going too ask Sara and Andy on this week’s Member Webinar (Thursday @ 3:00 pm PT) about the solo ad results. When I was running FB ads for JC SAS we were averaging 390 hops/sale.

Hope to see you on Thursday’s webinar.
Best of Luck to you,

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