Question regarding Click Funnels and Manual Method

I just finished module 2 and I’m a little confused on these. I am completely brand new to all of this. After doing both of those methods, if we are following step by step) we aren’t actually making money with those yet right? He is just showing us what methods we can use? If we are suppose to be listing to find the money, I don’t understand what the platform is…who we are sending them too. The only 1 so far in this training is through emails right? So I’m assuming we can start making money with the 2 methods by following in the next few modules. Am I correct with this? Am I on the same page?

Also, on the click funnel method, do I need to go through every single step that john showed us such as inputing the API code and everything on every funnel I want to do? If not, then I don’t understand how to go through it and set up a funnel without setting everything up first. What are the steps once you’ve set up everything.