Promoted over 90 Igor Solo Ads emails to my list of 1500 - no sales. Please help

Week 1:

I purchased Igor’s Solo Ads, and had 90+ emails written and loaded into my own GetResponse Autoresponder list which has 1500 people who opted in to learn how to make money online from home.

Each email has one inconspicuous text link to SAS just above my signature (link goes to my SAS html landing page).

I promoted SAS to this list for over 90 emails, not many clickthroughs and no sales.

Just looking for some advice. Should I load John Crestani’s emails directly from the Super Affiliate System Resources, to see if I get a better response? Or perhaps move on to another product (since I already sent them 90 emails promoting SAS)?

Do you think sending one email a day is too much?

Thanks for any help and suggestions :slight_smile:

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So Igor crafted a 90 email series to go out. Was it tailored to SAS? I’ll be following your answers thanks for posting.


@Deb Hello!

Okay … so just for context… you outsourced 90 generic emails about MMO, and put your SAS link on your signature only? Or did you put the SAS link within the text of the email as well?

More importantly though … how did you get 1500 email subscribers??? I’ve spent over $800 in ads not even hoping for sales… just optins… and I barely have 340!

BTW - my ad problem is that I keep getting a horrible CTR - my best results in terms of optins have been Solo Ads… but Solos are notoriously unresponsive in terms of follow-up open rates.

Hey Dustin, Yes 90 story based emails (some quite tailored to SAS), then at the end the story relates to making money online.

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Hi vperez,

There’s a single text link within the email, just above my signature…
For example the email goes like this:
*Conclusion “Don’t make a choice that you’ll regret for the rest of your life.”
*SAS text link — “Instead, make a smart choice like Brian did.”
*My Signature

I got the subscribers from Igor. Surprisingly few have unsubscribed. This is my first list ever. Maybe they’re blind to the link? Maybe 90 stories are overkill and just didn’t resonate with them.

Well, the 90 day autoresponder is over, and now I’ll put in my own emails which probably won’t be as story based.

I was just wondering if I should load a few of John’s SAS emails before moving on to another product? They are written in a different style and perhaps I’ll get a different response. :slight_smile:

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Well… I wish I could be more reliable help. The only thing I see is that copywriters are always saying there should be no less than 2 and no more tan 5 CTA’s… and you are only using one. I would suggest going through each email and adding at least 1 prominent cta to each one.

also… 90 is overkill. i think. if they didnt bite in 2 weeks, switch to a different offer… and pccasionally sprinklesas back in just in case.

Is it OK to ask what the adpend was for 1500 subscribers? i just ask because i spent over 500 for about 300 subscribers

Thanks I was considering purchasing similar but your case study has me concerned. I also think 90 may be overkill. Anybody else have any input? Admins?

Unfortunately, there is no guarantee when it comes to solo ads, wether purchased from Udimi or from Igor. Solo Ads are good practice for getting subscribers, a tough one to get 1000$ sales though, this has to be recognised.

It highly depends on the sellers you choose, their targeting data (Who knows who are they advertising to? are they even interested in what you are promoting? or just clicking to quickly check it out? Maybe they have joined another program already?).

There is never a way to know if traffic on udimi or from any other provider is warm or cold, and especially when promoting high ticket system such as John’s SAS, the conversion rate may be quite low.

You might also want to try other clickbank products, that cost less and therefore have higher conversion rates, and I highly suggest spending more budget on Google, Facebook & YouTube Ads, than on Solo ads :slight_smile:

To my experience, best practice is as follows:
Conversions: Google Ads.
Opt-Ins: Solo Ads & Facebook targeted advertising.
Mixture: YouTube Ads.

Hey there, thank you all for your response and tips,

At Igor’s I bought a couple of his courses which came with about 1000 bonus leads, then I purchased a 1050 verified bonus leads package for well over $1200. They set up an autoresponder for me and loaded 90 emails and the leads. Pricey, but as I said this is my first list…next time I’ll create my own!

I have some folks emailing me from the list saying they’re desperate to make money but have none. I’ll move forward and promote a lower ticket product to them, also try to provide something of value in-between emails.

Thanks again, hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving!

OMG Deb, if you have people on your list emailing you… you are SO AHEAD in the game!!! Engagement is KEY, so you are definitely doing something right.

Here is what I would suggest… and mind you… take it with a grain of salt because I am also only starting and have 0 results. That said… we live in a culture that seeks Instant Gratification, and most people only react to their situation when the pain is intolerable which means they are ripe to purchase… they just need to get their certainty level as close to 100% as possible.

So what I would try to market to the ones that express that they are desperate, is one the clickbank manifestation packages. Manifestation Magic supposedly converts well… but I don’t like their messaging at all. Perhaps Manifestation Code or 15-Minute Manifestation. These programs are a lot of hogwash to the skeptics and unbelievers … but to the spiritually open … they are EXACTLY what they need to hear. So I would start with that.

And finally in 90 emails! WOW! I’m green with envy. Those 90 emails that they gave you are pure gold because they are high-converting, professionally crafted emails The only thing is …

If you write to someone EVERY DAY for 90 DAYS about the SAME product… the emails lose their efficacy.

What I would suggest, if I may … and obviously, depending on the wording and context, try to make sure each email has at the very least ONE prominent CTA in the body, then an inconspicuous one at the bottom … then spread them out to 1 every 2 or even 3 days. This effectively increases your follow up from 3 months to 6 or even 9 months. More bang for the buck and all.

Also, you could split that up into several “5 to 7-day Sequences” for various products (and don’t limit yourself to Clickbank… check out JV Zoo and Warrior Forum). So … for instance, you might pick a low ticket product (under $50) and promote it for 7 emails (spread 1 ever 2 or 3 days). After that, move to a midrange product (under $500) and promote that for another 7 emails. Then move to a high-ticket offer ($500+) and promote that for 6 emails. So that covers 20 days of emails. Find 3 other products within those ranges, and spend the next 20 emails promoting that. Then find 3 other products within those ranges (or return to the original 3?) and use 20 emails promoting that. Then a final set of 3 products for 20 more emails (or the second set of 3 emails). And for the last 10 emails … pick 10 products and promote each one one last time.

Anyhow - that my two cents. Best of Luck!!!

Thanks for your helpful post, the manifestation products are a great suggestion. There’s also one called Manifestation Miracle. I will definitely change up those 90 emails for future subscribers. That’s a good emailing system!

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I had exactly the same. No sales with Igor. They just take your money. That is it. Empty promises.

To be fair… all the solo ad vendor can do is supply you with clicks. There really is not guarantee of sales, and to a large degree, its a matter of luck. According to google, over 5000 people search for ways to make money online every DAY… and a small percentage of those are actually ready to buy. So … if you do ONE ad run with no results … and decide its a scam, your lizard brain will prevent you from trying again to protect you from failure, but also from success.

If you try something and it doesnt work… you really have three options only: (1) Try a different traffic method (2) Tweak your ad / sales message with THIS traffic method (3) Quit because you cant lose (invest) money.

Just saying… if Wilbur Wright had quit when he couldn’t get his plane off the ground … you’d be taking trains instead of planes when travelling abroad.

Solo Ads are just one method for driving traffice, and so far, is the quickest list-builder i have seen. And while i have yet to try Igor, the man has a decade of good reputation.

Hi, Interested in Q&A. Thanks

Perhaps Solo Ads with Igor, may be its over saturated, as in because many of us buying and sending his list the same deal = John’s Super Affiliate System . We might need to follow Brian’s training and select another Solo Ad vendor. We probably select different vendors from Udimi and get sightly higher chances that the list had not had a SAS offer in the last few days. As the earlier students seemed to have success as the videos suggest.
Just my two cents :thinking:

Deb you are certainly ahead with the 1500 list. :wink: