Problems getting Bluehost

That was meant to be a screen shot. I won’t go on if it’s un-openable.

hey there @jungle4jim, it’s saying the extension is not available (.com) maybe try a different one? eg. .org, .online, .net?? hope that helps! :sunglasses:

Hi Jeanette, it’s very frustrating, It’s not me but something is wrong with the Bluehost site. Even if I enter the I’ll chose a Domain later tab, it comes back with the same message telling me the domain I entered is incorrect. I’ve done it 20 times now
what the — I’ll work it out

You can’t have all those subdomains in there.
It needs to just be a name without the periods.
If you have any trouble you just need to contact Bluehost. THey are EXTREMELY helpful if you call them.

yea, i think you need to just enter a simply name, like or whatnot

You added all those extra .kcj .xyz stuff, not sure why.


Hi John
I did not enter those .xyz thing, blue host kept putting that stuff in and sending it back to me. That’s why I say there system was a little off the wall yesterday. I hope they fix it.

I the meantime, and not to tear my hair out any more over it, I got the Baby Plan with Hostgator which has cost a $2 so far. I can upgrade to business plan.

I also got a domain name which I plan to link with the hosting now. Maybe I should have stuck with the Jungle theam.

Thanks Michael, It wasn’t me sticking all those letters in there, it was blue host.

Rather than tear my hair any more over the issue, I’ve gone for Hostgator.

Thanks for the feedback.

I just went to Bluehost and that has to be some kind of autofill in your browser. I played with it making mistakes and doing it correctly and was able to turn up new domains and 5-6 different error messages. I do see the domain you entered has a .mybluhost subdomain which indicates another account according to their help files. In any case I have verified that bluehost account creation is working and you have solved your dilemma so closing this thread!